Sunday 26 June 2011

The Murder of the Puppies from Predal
by a witness to these atrocities

I was feeding this mother daily and I intended to make a cart for her in a safe place. I announced about my intention the staff from the Railway Company. She was waiting for me daily next to the railway lines. I good wiling man had brought a cage. The she dog was a very good mother and never left away of her puppies. But one I couldn’t find the puppies and the mother was looking at me with tearful eyes waiting from help. There are people working at the railway company who commute daily to Brasov. I asked the workers and they told me that in the previous evening their boss Pavel Corneliu and his subordinate Vasile Kish had told the workers to take the puppies when they would leave by train and let them wherever. 

The workers put the puppies in a bag and left with them, with the dog mother running after the train. At night the mother went back to the place where she had raised the puppies. I know all this from one of the railway employees. I tried to find out who was the person who had taken the puppies with the hope I could go and save them. I was told the railway station boss knows the name. I asked Pavel Corneliu, the boss the name was the worker and I told him I intended to go and save them. He told me to go at the next station – Darste, at 22 km- to find the puppies. I went there and no puppy…I asked again and this time he said another station, in the opposite direction. I understood he was making fool of me. He didn’t want to say the name of the worker who took the puppies. I looked at the workers. Which of them is the killer? One of them approached me and told me: Stop looking for the pups! It’s useless!

I received phone calls from the people I asked about the puppies. The killer’s name is Florin. In that unfortunate evening all puppies in the neighborhood were caught by Florin, including 5 other 2 months old puppies which were living next to the railway lines, in the back of the Dragului Hotel, but not on railway’s company’s land. People in the neighborhood told me that the killer Florin, at Pavel’s orders used to throw puppies in front of the trains that passed through Predeal railway station.
The 2 dog mothers run along the station platform, look at the trains and run after them , in the hope they would find their puppies. They suffer very much because the milk excess but the greates pain is the loss of their puppies.

The killers from the Predeal railway station must be stoped!

Like Godfather like Godson...........

The Godson of the Romanian President Traian Basescuu, orders day old puppies to be thrown out of infront of moving trains!

In a shocking but not sadly surprising revelation, it has been confirmed that Pavel Corneliu who we have been petitioning him and his Employers The National Railway company of Romania (Click here to view the full story and action petition) stop hunting down days old puppies and throwing them out of and into the paths of moving trains, is the Godson of the Romanian President Traian Basescuu!!!

Please read the full story, take action and write also to the president and notify him of his Godsons dispicable actions.President of Romania

Friday 24 June 2011


It has now come to light that the original puppies only a few days old were taken from the grounds of a hotel in Predal. Yesterday another 5 stray puppies aged 2 months of age who also lived in the grounds of the hotel as the previous pups taken the day before, were taken by the same railway employees and thrown infront of oncoming trains at Predal Station.

It could be suggested that there is an arrangement between the Hoteliers and the Railway workers, how else would these men be allowed to freely roam a property and pick up animals from its ground?

Just 2 weeks ago the hoteliers made complaints about the stray dogs around their hotel to local police, and now suddenly the railway workers are wandering around the hotel grounds and carrying away puppies to throw out of or at moving or oncoming trains?

It is sad to say that there are many hotels in Predal where the puppies are being taken from , I will be adding a list here shortly. Also of hotels that staff members are actively encouraged by the management to poison and kill in anyway they can.

Thursday 23 June 2011

ACTION ALERT - Demand to know why CFR (National Railway of Romania) allow their employees to steal days old puppies and throw them from trains


26th June 2011
Just been confirmed: Pavel Corneliu is not just an employee of CFR, he is the President of Romanias Godson!
Write also to the president and notify him of his Godsons dispicable actions.President of Romania

24th June 2011 
The situation has become an emergency, puppies are being hunted daily now by the railway workers and thrown not only out of moving trains but now into the path of oncoming trains.
Land has been offered to build an emergency shelter, but we need your help. Please click here to read more and hopefully donate whatever ou can afford.

How the slaughter begun
23rd June 2011, these five tiny puppies,only  afew days old were ordered to be ripped away from thier mother from behind a hotel in Predal .The puppies were then taken on a train, and thrown out of the carriage whilst the train was moving in predal (Near Brasov)
This will not come as a shock to many of you when I tell you the country this happend in, which was Romania. However, what may come as a shock, was the order was given by Predal  Train Station Chief a Pavel Corneliu to other employees a Kish Basil and a man known as Florin.

These men ( I say this loosely) are both employees of The National Railway Company of Romania(CFR), the train that would have been used was owned and run by The National Railway company of Romania, and Mr Corneliu is a representative of The National Railway Company of Romania.

So there are six questions that The National Railway Company of Romania must answer and held to task for.
1) Why is The National Railway of Romania allowing thier trains to be the killing machines of tiny puppies and the type of killing controvenes the animal cruelty laws of Romania?
2) Why is The National Railway company of Romania allowing a senior managment employee, who effectively represenst their company,to commit and order other national Railway employees to commit animal cruelty?
3)Have The National Railway Company of Romania informed their customers who are travelling from or passing through Predal train station of the alternative use the carraige they are traveklling in is a killing platform for the horrific act of throwing tiny puppies to thier deaths?
4)Has the National Railway Company of Romania informed the Romanian Licensing Body, RailNetwork Investigating Body and The Ministry of Transport of the alternative uses that thier employees are using public sector transport for?
5)If The National Railway Company of Romania is unaware of the above,what do they intend on doing about the above information and the employees involved
6)If the puppies that were taken this time are still alive,what are they intending on doing about it to return them to the property and their mother where they were snatched from?

1) Click here to sign and comment on the petition demanding The National Railway Company of Romania begin an immediate investigation of the misuse of public property by its employees
2) Telephone Pavel Cornelius the Station chief himself, and demand that the puppies are immediately returned to thier mother +04 0722693666 or send him a text free he is on a Vodafone connection
3) Contact the following people one by one, not mass emails, informing each one of this horrific act of animal cruelty by employees of The National Railway Company of Romania at based at Predal Train Station, and the misuse of Public property by said employees. Also tell them your utter disbelief and horror that this has been allowed to happen in the first place. (See my example letter below, but please build your own letter around this, where possible using your own words)
Share this Action alert as soon as possible as far and wide as you can.

Contacts to Target:

Mayor of Brasov

Ministry of transport
Public Relations Department -
Media Relations Department -
Suggestions -

Rail network investigating body
Phone: +4021.307.79.03
Fax: +4021.316.05.97

Chief Investigator - Sorin Constantinescu
Phone: +4021.307.18.76

Head of Serious Railway Investigation Department - Cristian BOBE
Phone: +4021.307.22.33
Fax: +4021.307.68.05

Scientific Secretary-Nicu PALANGEANU
Phone: +4021.307.18.72

Romanian railway notified body

Romanian Railway Safety Authority

Romanian Railway Licensing Authority
Enquiries -

Adrian ARION - Director
Phone: +4021.307.79.07
Fax: +4021.316.05.97
Tel: +4021.307.79.87

Example Letter/ My Letter to contacts - Please use this as a structure only if you wish to base your own letter upon. These people really need to see personalised letters from individuals as opposed to generic correspondence:

 To whom it may concern
Reference: Employees Pavel Corneliu and Kish Basil of Predal Train Station (The National Railway Company of Romania) using public transport to commit horrific animal cruelty and misusing public property to commit aforementioned abuse.
Today I was utterly horrified to learn that yesterday 22nd June 2011 employees of The National Railway Company (CFR) not only ordered that five days old puppies be ripped away from thier mother, but also used a National Railway moving train to throw these same defenceless puppies to their death.

I do not need to remind you that this is a very clear legal breech of animal cruelty laws,health and safety laws ,deliberate public  misinformation, deliberate misuse of public and company property, deliberate misuse of company and public funds (transport costs and fuel)

Considering the above contraventions of various breeched laws that Romania has in place to protect domestic animals and the public and that these laws being presently current and in force, I demand that The National Railway Company of Romania answers the following questions and that the aforementioned employees are immediately suspended pending a criminal and internal investigation.

1) Why is The National Railway of Romania allowing their trains to be the killing machines of tiny puppies and the type of killing contravenes the animal cruelty laws of Romania?
2) Why is The National Railway company of Romania allowing a senior management employee, who effectively represent their company,to commit and order other national Railway employees to commit animal cruelty?
3)Have The National Railway Company of Romania informed their customers who are travelling from or passing through Predal train station of the alternative use the carriage they are travelling in is a killing platform for the horrific act of throwing tiny puppies to their deaths?
4)Has the National Railway Company of Romania informed the Romanian Licensing Body, Rail Network Investigating Body and The Ministry of Transport of the alternative uses that their employees are using public sector transport for?
5)If The National Railway Company of Romania is unaware of the above,what do they intend on doing about the above information and the employees involved
6)If the puppies that were taken this time are still alive,what are they intending on doing about it to return them to the property and their mother where they were snatched from?

I would appreciate a reply to this correspondence as soon as possible, as I suspect will the media both in Romania and Europe when they learn of this horrific act of cruelty by CFR Employees.

Lastly I would like to add there are witnesses to this vile event, and admittance directly to a witness by CFR employees that the puppies have been taken to another station to be disposed of. Proving not only that employees of CFR illegally abducted these tiny puppies but also their intention behind the abduction.

Considering the current public image of Romania nationally and internationally, I would suggest that The National Railway Company to salvage what they can before internationally their company name is dragged through the mud, and possibly lawsuits against them by commuters, that they act swiftly in regards to the aforementioned employees, and if at possible (if they have not been murdered yet) the retrieval and return of said puppies to where they were stolen from.

Yours Sincerely

Rough Romanian Translation of above:
Update: 24 iunie 2011
câinii copilul sunt acum vânate de zi cu zi de către lucrători de cale ferată şi aruncat în calea trenurilor din sens opus.
Terenul a fost oferit pentru a construi un adăpost de urgenţă, dar avem nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastră. Vă rugăm daţi click aici pentru a citi mai sperăm, mai multe şi dona orice bani vă puteţi permite

Cum a început sacrificarea
23 iunie 2011, aceste cinci căţeluşi mici, la doar câteva zile vechi s-au ordonat să fie furat departe de mama lor din  un hotel în oraşul Predeal, care este lângă Braşov. copilul câini au fost apoi luate pe un tren, şi aruncat din transportul în timp ce trenul a fost în mişcare în
Acest lucru nu va veni ca un şoc pentru mulţi dintre voi când vă spun că această ţară sa intamplat in, care a fost România. Cu toate acestea, ceea ce poate veni ca un şoc, a fost ordinul a fost dat de şef de Gara Mr Corneliu master

Aceşti oameni sunt atât angajaţi ai Companiei Naţionale de Căi Ferate din România (CFR), trenul care ar fi fost folosit a fost deţinută şi condusă de către Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România, şi de domnul Corneliu este un reprezentant al National Societatea Căilor Ferate din România.

Deci, există şase întrebări pe care Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România trebuie să răspundă şi a avut loc la răspundere pentru.
1) De ce este compania nationala de cai ferate care permite trenurilor care urmează să fie utilizate pentru uciderea câinilor copii
2) De ce este Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România care permite unui angajat de conducere, care represenst efectiv compania lor, pentru a comite şi pentru alte angajaţii Naţională de Căi Ferate pentru a comite cruzimea fata de animale?
3) Au Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România a informat clientii lor, care sunt călătoresc din sau trec prin gara Predal a utilizarii alternative carraige acestea sunt într-traveklling este o platformă pentru ucidere fapta îngrozitoare de a arunca pui mici la moartea lor?
4) Are Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România a informat organism de autorizare român, RailNetwork Organismul de Investigare şi Ministerul Transporturilor a utilizărilor alternative, care angajaţii lor sunt mijloacele de transport pentru sectorul public?
5) În cazul în care Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România nu este constient de cele de mai sus, ce intenţionează să facă acest despre informaţiile de mai sus şi angajaţii implicaţi
6) În cazul în câini care au fost luate în această perioadă sunt încă în viaţă, ceea ce sunt ei intenţionează să facă acest despre asta pentru a le readuce la proprietate şi mama lor, în cazul în care acestea au fost smulse de la?


1) Faceţi clic aici pentru a semna şi să comenteze cu privire la petiţie care cere Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România începe o investigaţie imediată de utilizarea abuzivă a proprietăţii publice de către angajaţii săi
2) de telefon Corneliu Pavel însuşi şeful de gară, şi cer ca puii sunt imediat returnate la mama lor 04 0722693666 sau trimite-i un text liber el este pe o conexiune Vodafone
3) A lua legatura cu următoarele persoane unul câte unul, nu email-uri în masă, informarea fiecare dintre acest act oribil de cruzimea fata de animale de angajaţi ai Companiei Naţionale de Căi Ferate din România de la baza la staţia de tren Predal, şi folosirea abuzivă a proprietăţii publice de către angajaţi a spus. De asemenea, spune-le dvs. neîncredere totală şi groază că acest lucru a fost permis să se întâmple în primul rând. (A se vedea exemplul de mai jos scrisoarea mea, dar vă rugăm să construiască scrisoarea ta în jurul valorii de acest lucru, dacă este posibil folosind propriile cuvinte)
Accesul la această alertă de acţiune cât mai curând posibil în lung şi în lat, după cum puteţi.

Persoane de contact la Target:

Primarul din Brasov

Ministerul de transport
Departamentul de Relaţii Publice -
Media Relaţii -
Sugestii -

Reţea feroviară de investigare organism
Telefon: +4021.307.79.03
Fax: +4021.316.05.97
E-mail: dragos.floroiu @

Şef Investigator - Sorin Constantinescu
Telefon: +4021.307.18.76

Şef al Departamentului de Investigare Feroviar grave - Cristian Bobe
Telefon: +4021.307.22.33
Fax: +4021.307.68.05

Secretar Ştiinţific-Nicu Pălăngeanu
Telefon: +4021.307.18.72

Căilor ferate române organism notificat

Autoritatea de Siguranţă Feroviară Română

Autoritatea Feroviară Română de licenţiere
Întrebări -

Adrian ARION - Director
Telefon: +4021.307.79.07
Fax: +4021.316.05.97
Tel: +4021.307.79.87
E-mail: adrian.arion @

Exemplu Scrisoare / Scrisoare mele la date de contact - Vă rugăm să folosiţi acest lucru ca pe o structură numai dacă doriţi să se bazeze pe propria scrisorii dumneavoastră. Aceşti oameni într-adevăr nevoie pentru a vedea scrisori personalizate de la persoane fizice, spre deosebire de corespondenta generic:

 Pentru cine poate îngrijorare
Referinţă: Numar de angajati Corneliu Pavel şi Vasile Chis de staţia de tren Predal (Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România), utilizarea transportului public de a comite cruzimea fata de animale îngrozitoare şi abuzează de proprietate publică de a comite abuzuri menţionate anterior.
Astăzi am fost complet îngrozit să afle că ieri, 22 iunie 2011 de angajaţi de Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate (CFR), nu numai a ordonat ca puii cinci zile să fie furat departe de mama lor, dar utilizate, de asemenea, un tren în mişcare Naţională de Căi Ferate pentru a arunca aceste câinilor moartea lor.

Nu am nevoie să vă reamintesc că acest lucru este o incalcare foarte juridică clară a actelor cu putere cruzimea fata de animale, legile de sănătate şi siguranţă, dezinformarea deliberată publice, utilizarea abuzivă deliberată a proprietăţii publice şi a societăţii, utilizarea abuzivă deliberată a societăţii şi a fondurilor publice (costuri de transport şi combustibil)

Având în vedere contravenţiilor de mai sus a diferitelor breeched legi care România are în loc de a proteja animalele domestice şi a publicului şi că aceste legi să fie prezent şi actual în vigoare, eu cer ca Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România răspunde la următoarele întrebări şi că angajaţii menţionate anterior sunt imediat suspendată în aşteptarea unei anchete penale şi interne.

1) De ce este compania nationala de cai ferate care permite trenurilor care urmează să fie utilizate pentru uciderea câinilor copii
2) De ce este Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România care permite unui angajat de conducere, care represenst efectiv compania lor, pentru a comite şi pentru alte angajaţii Naţională de Căi Ferate pentru a comite cruzimea fata de animale?
3) Au Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România a informat clientii lor, care sunt călătoresc din sau trec prin gara Predal a utilizarii alternative carraige acestea sunt într-traveklling este o platformă pentru ucidere fapta îngrozitoare de a arunca pui mici la moartea lor?
4) Are Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România a informat organism de autorizare român, RailNetwork Organismul de Investigare şi Ministerul Transporturilor a utilizărilor alternative, care angajaţii lor sunt mijloacele de transport pentru sectorul public?
5) În cazul în care Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate din România nu este constient de cele de mai sus, ce intenţionează să facă acest despre informaţiile de mai sus şi angajaţii implicaţi
6) În cazul în câini care au fost luate în această perioadă sunt încă în viaţă, ceea ce sunt ei intenţionează să facă acest despre asta pentru a le readuce la proprietate şi mama lor, în cazul în care acestea au fost smulse de la?
Aş aprecia un răspuns la această corespondenţă cât mai curând posibil, după cum bănuiesc că va mass-media, atât în ​​România şi Europa, atunci când învaţă a acestui act de cruzime oribile de angajati CFR.

Având în vedere imaginea curentă publice din România la nivel naţional şi internaţional, aş sugera că Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate pentru a salva ceea ce ei pot înainte de nivel internaţional numele companiei este tarat prin noroi, şi, eventual, procese împotriva lor de navetişti, ca acestea să acţioneze rapid în ceea ce priveşte salariaţi menţionate mai sus, şi, dacă este posibil, la (în cazul în care nu au fost ucişi încă), recuperarea şi returnarea de zis catelusi pentru a în cazul în care acestea au fost furate din.